Is a multi-layerable, clear, liquid Nano-ceramic coating. When cured, this technology will transform itself on the surface to a permanent, durable yet flexible glass shield. Ceramic Pro can be described as an additional clear coat, with 3 times the hardness and self-cleaning properties. It has been extensively tested by SGS – The world’s leading independent testing body. Ceramic Pro once cured, is measured to have hardness above 9H. Normal clear coat has hardness between 2H and 4H. The increase in the hardness of the coated surface is vast. This makes it the hardest paint coating on the market today. This new glass shield prevents minor scratches to your clearcoat and acts as a sacrificial layer. This preserves the original factory paint. Any surface scratches that happen in the coating are easily removed with light polishing which will not weaken the integrity of the original clear coat. Your paint won’t fade or age due to the UV protection in the glass coating.